The Sam(v)rai.

So, before I made the Maximo videos for Lost Legends, I was playing through Cyberpunk 2077. That game got me hooked from the story, the world, lore, music, etc etc... That, and Phantom Liberty is an absolute banger. For my 5th playthrough, I decided to go for a challenge, inspired by Mitten Squad (RIP). Mitten Squad did play through this game, but he never really went through to do the final mission (I mean, his run ends with V killing himself). Considering that he played is an earlier released version (as in the bugged out launch version), it's understandable. My run is on the 2.1 update.

For my run, I decided to go for a wild challenge: Can I beat Cyberpunk 2077 as a Samurai? Not the fictional band in-game, but the one with the sword, throwing knives, and most importantly: No cyberware (except my eyes, but those can't be replaced).

My Sam(v)rai in-game.

The first step is to actually get my V in her Blue Eye Samurai look... Well, the best I can in the game. I decided to give her Johnny Silverhand's shirt as... Well, I just like it. The one thing that won't be in the final piece is her biker boots.

The rough pose. The triangle at the background is used as some help to make it look more interesting, I dunno. The two boxes above with a silhouette represents the YT thumbnail in both sizes.

The second step is to make a pose with my favorite tool in CSP: A 3D figure model V2. The cone hat, glasses, and Errata I modelled them myself. The one issue I have to deal with is the positioning on the individual objects as they're not attached to the body. If I made adjustments like the arm, I have to move Errata to get it look right.

The updated pose with a rough outline on the clothes. Also gives you a nicer look at Errata.

I changed the pose so it would fit more on the triangle, but also the dynamics. One thing I almost forgot is that this is from January 12th, which I had to focus on the Maximo 3 video as it's almost finished. One problem for the objects I made is the shades don't show the translucency through the lens. Maybe it can, but the thick green outline would get in the way. 

Updated lineart after a month of silence.

After the Maximo videos and a playthrough of another game I'm making a video about, I went back to the CLIP document and continued off from where I left off. I gave lineart to mostly everything except the coat. I made a couple creative liberties to make V's shirt a little more ragged as it's been in under some motel counter for decades, and made the coat separate as an alt. The eyes I gave her a more angry look here, but I was struggling to get it down to a tee as the left eye looked bigger than the right for instance. I noticed an error where I didn't white out her hip (look under right boob).

Updated lineart with flat colors.

Added the coat, updated her eyes, and colors. I got nothing else to say.

Final piece without coat.

Final piece with coat.

First off, I colored in the outlines, made Errata more pronounced with it's glowing red hot blade, and I throw in the colored shading, which is based on the Cyberpunk yellow for highlights and bright pink as the shading, which is based off the mystery of the FF:06:B5 easter egg. For background is a no-brainer which is the Corpo Plaza I took a screenshot. To top it all off: I gotta throw in the Samurai logo on that shirt, which wasn't easy at first until I found the "mesh warp" feature. I gave her eyes some glow as they're cyber-eyeballs, and end this piece with my sig. I think this is my favorite piece so far.
