Art Recap 2021/2022


This is an annual thing I plan to do for a couple years. There was an art recap for 2020, but I wouldn't dig further down my Twitter account to reclaim it.

2021 started off strong with my drawing of Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal: Black, but this time: Drawn with a tablet I got for Christmas. The other artworks are mostly sketches, with a couple 3D pieces to the mix. I forgot to do a drawing for June, which is a bummer.

2022, sadly isn't a good year for art on my end. These are all finished pieces, but these are only 7 pieces of art, except the Anti-AI propaganda and the plethora of sketches I didn't show. I think my favourite piece is Vivi cosplaying Cinderace, because it's a little more creative than dying her hair and painting her ears.

That, and I was busy focusing on my Youtube show, Lost Legends. That show took most of my time as it takes a few weeks to produce 1 episode.


For the upcoming year, I got some ideas. After I finish the first season of Lost Legends, I'll get to work on some artworks I want to do:

>Judi (a redesign) - She's an old OC of mine I haven't drew much. Pic below is my recent sketch of her from November. Before that, the last sketch related to her is from 2019, using a scrapped model of her as reference. ANYWAY, about the redesign: Judi is Vivi's friend, but her bio is nonexistent at the moment. Since Vivi went through several designs, I think Judi should get the same treatment, but not the 16 redesigns treatment.

The recent Judi sketch (Nov. 2020)

>Vivi (3D Model) - I've been trying to model her for months, but it feels like she's going nowhere. Should I go back to the drawing board? Should I look up a few tutorials? This is for me to answer.

The first attempt to model Vivi.

>Vivi (Toon Style) - Just an idea that heavily leans on the "Redefine to Resimplify" philosophy. An idea where proper anatomy proportion is thrown out the window and all that. Not sure if I would do it.

>More Pixel Arts - I want to make some more goddamn pixel stuff. I stated making art with pixels, so it would be appropriate to utilize the magic of Aseprite.

>More Fanart - The only piece of fanart I made in 2022 is Malice. I want to expand the idea of drawing more characters I want to draw, even if it's someone else's OC that I liked.

>Some 3D Models - I think I should make more 3D art one day. Maybe I'll get good that I start making environments.
